I´ve just moved to a new country! As exciting as this is, it means that there was a lot of work attached to the move; flat-hunting, furnishing flats, finding your way around a new town etc. None of these tasks was more daunting than the pre-trip decluttering, particularly so the decluttering of my books. I knew in my heart of hearts that there was absolutely no way it was viable to keep all my books, but given how enormously attached I am to all my children books, I kept putting it aside until five days before my actual flight. It was a hard selection process, but I am happy that at least all the books went to either some lovely people or will go to raise money for charity.
My babies ready to go to their new homes.
The move also meant that I momentarily abandoned this blog and fell waaaay behind in my reading! This is extra annoying as it´s so early in the year... Hopefully now I´m settled I´ll be able to carry on as planned!
My new home.